A Quiet Wood

A Quiet Wood

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


To Whom It May Concern:

This blog is to inform you of the continued but somewhat dim existence of the author of this blog. Her power has been partially off since Sunday evening, and her children have been sent away (a result of the Strong Winds of Ike that visited the Queen City on Sunday). She lives a life of semi-darkness and tepid water, huddling around the few working electrical outlets in her domain. The world is quiet and peaceful. She is happy. She is catching up on her sleep and finding that the sun shines brighter and the birds sing more beautifully. She shall return with her acerbic wit and astute observations when she again is able to connect to the internet from her domicile.

Until then she remains,

Your Humble Servant


Regi said...

Welcome to the "powerless" world :o) Our power was just restored this morning at the jail. It's been a fun last couple days.

Kris10 said...

You can come hang out with Zach and me! We have power. You can also use our hot water.

lauralavon said...

We're missing you in blogworld, girl!

Charity said...

Light a candle and breathe deeply. Soon the onslaught of hormonally-driven females shall begin again!

Anonymous said...

Alas, no candles allowed. *sigh* It's still a good life. :)

(...she said from the rickety library terminal)

Cara said...

My life is a paler shade of gray because I wasn't able to read an "astute observation" from my old friend. =) Hope you are surviving and that things get back to "normal" soon!

TheMan said...

Hail to thee, most nimble literary genius. :) I doth adore thy linguistic prowess.

Anonymous said...

LOL.... I'm curious how you kept a straight face typing this. You had me rollling!! I guess knowing you all these years makes me be able to picture you typing this... Loved it! I agree with the others though... have been missing your blogging!! In regards to the candles it is good you don't have to light a candle to say a prayer... otherwise you would be in big trouble!

teacherprincess said...

Hey girl
Totally understanding and sympathizing with the powerless world, thing...
Praying that all is restored as quickly as possible.... lol
Lori LaVan

Sarah Cook said...

I understand way too well!

kayla said...

Hahahahaha! See what you get for leaving FL? No power outages here this year. Sleep well my friend, for the light fast approaches.

Kimberly said...

For some reason I want to sing "I saw the Light!"

Funny stuff...now keep on blogging!:)

Julia said...

So, my desk Webster's Dictionary doesn't have the word acerbic. The context in which you used the word doesn't really help me much either. So what does it mean? Help your dumb, yet curious little friend out will you?

Lynn Ann said...

Hi Sonja!

I was just reading a recipe in the WOW cookbook and found one for omelets in Ziploc bags... I wanted to try it but wanted to know if the bags had to be special or just any Ziploc bag would work...


Anonymous said...

Lynn Ann - Hi! As far as I know, any Ziplock back will work. Can I make a confession? I've never done them myself. I got the recipe from a friend and sent it to my mom - who promptly put it in the cookbook! However, everyone who has made them says they turn out great!

Julia - Acerbic means "sharp or biting" (American Heritage Dictionary) It probably doesn't completely fit my "wit" but the word makes me happy!

Julie Schultz said...

You're great. Do you know that? Trust me, it's true.