IHC (Part 1)
Went to IHC this week for Tuesday evening and part of Wednesday. I was so thankful that I felt as well as I did. (I had good friends watching me carefully and making sure I took pain meds as needed.) I actually really enjoyed myself. However, by the end of the day, I felt a bit like this...
More about IHC later...thus the "Part 1" in the title.
didn't know you had been viewing "this world" but so glad you have joined in!!:) Love you!!
I am sooo happy to have you join this world!! And you blog looks great already! I hope you are doing well! We have been praying for you and your recovery! Keep in touch...just a hint...write in comments in mine and I'll return the favor...makes other people think we have friends! ha!
I am SO happy to "see" you here, my friend. Have been thinking so much of you, and praying often for you! I am excited at the prospect of better contact this way!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your url address for this blog! You are indeed a funny woman and taking your lumps with great humor.
Don't forget to come visit me. There's this weird, obsessive need for validation that rears its ugly head in this blog -universe for some reason. (notice marty's note above!!)
Love ya!
Miss V,
You don't have to come visit my amazing blog with stories and insight that would blow your mind. I am perfectly secure and need no validation. So just skip my hilarious and witty comments found each week on the most entertaining blog you'll ever encounter.
BTW, the child in the photo must be a Ruthie kid? I think I recognize the folding closet door in the back ground.
Good Grief! If she thinks her blog is "witty and entertaining", mine is beyond description. You need to check it out and I don't care if you leave a comment, cause I don't really know you anyway.
Thanks to you all for your comments. I do indeed feel validated! In response to Julia, it is a Ruthie kid -- right after she ate some of Uncle George's Daytimers. It was a great day. :) BTW, Viola your blog shows that you need no validation. You seem to be secure in your cats and your great knowledge about everything.
I understand the "Ruthie's kid" picture! Kinda felt that way myself after IHC! :-) It was so good to see you!! You're lookin' so good, girl!! Take good care of yourself!
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