Happy Mother's Day, Mom! This post is for you...especially - thus the fact that the whole thing is addressed to you personally. Does it feel weird to have a blog written directly to you? I guess it's kind of like an open letter. (Feel free to read on, those of you not my mom - which will be most of you...since I only seem to have one of them...mothers, I mean.) Anyway, since I actually remembered to send you a card and filled it with amazingly personal, sweet, and sincere sentiments, I shall only say a few things here. I was thinking earlier tonight about some of the traits I admire in you. One especially stood out. I love the way that you make every single person you come in contact with feel like he or she is the very best thing that happened to you all day. You know just how to make everyone feel special, needed, and loved. Your well timed words and simple gestures have snatched me often from an emotional downward spiral. Showing love is as natural to you as taking a breath. Thank you for giving me a home oozing with love, saturated with grace, and brimming over with joy. You made loving Jesus look as wonderful as it is.
I love you, Mom!
Let me be the 1st to give kuddos to your Mom as well...a wonderful example of warmth and wisdom...and of creating a comforting home and beautiful, "one of a kind" personalities in her kiddos:ie you and Brent!:)
(PS...I see you have deleted the pic of you post-surgury...definitely a loss!)
Wow! I can't believe you noticed. I was afraid of getting stuck there, not wanting to define myself too much by my heart issues. (Trust me, I'm not denying them - just not wanting to empower them too much!!) Anyway, I love that picture too. Maybe it will show up again at some point. :)
Awwww...I have always thought along those same lines about yo momma! Really...she always really listens and makes you feel cared for and important!! Just love her!!
Happy Mother's Day indeed to you, Aunt Ruthie! You are a treasured person in my life, as well.
Your mom has that special gift of hospitality. She is adept at making a person feel like they belong to your family :) Hugs to you both! So looking forward to seeing you later this week....
Wow, talk about making a grown man become teary-eyed! As you know your family has meant the world to me over the years. Your mom has had such a special place in my heart and she does exactly what you said. She makes every person she comes in contact with feel like they are the most important person that day. She also does just ooze the love of Jesus!! You can help but want to love Jesus even more once you have been around here just a few minutes. She is one great lady and I'm proud to be able to say she is one of my friends!! Hope all is going well for you!! Keep in touch!!
This post made me teary-eyed, Sonja. I do so believe in your mother! She emanates the love of Jesus just as you say. We are truly blessed when we have parents like that.
Eloquent in a few words--that's a gift. Very well said about a really gracious lady.
I love the pic of you and your lil buddy....and the "blogging without obligation" is indeed a great philosophy update.
You have a wonderful Mom who everyone loves!
I love your mother as well...your right..she always makes people feel like they are the bright spot of her day. How can I learn to be like that?
Three cheers for Grandma Ruthie (or so she is affectionatly referred to around this house). Truly a precisous woman. And boy can she make a mean cake, I can't believe you forgot to put that in your tribute.
I know this late, but Aunt Ruthie has always been one of my very favorite people!! I have so many fond memories of both she and Uncle George!!
I hope they know that they truly made an impact on me and my life - they helped give me a foundation that has made me who I am today! Thank You Aunt Ruthie!!
Love You Sonja!
I have this great memory of your mom. Anyone who knows me would laugh hysterically. I struggle with punctuality... STRUGGLE!
Well, back when I went on my TLC trip to Alaska... I didn't make the bus to boot camp. Your wonderful mom invited me over to wait on the next person going over. I would say she made a big impact on me. What a sweet mom!
Auntie Ruthie's the best. One year at HSBC the ladies of the church were assigned a student to give encouragement and support to throughout the year and then reveal who they were at the end of the year...a bit like Secret Sisters. Auntie Ruthie was mine and she made me feel very loved and special.
I am always behind in reading blogs, but eventually do get around to reading them.
Your sweet Momma has always been one of my favorite people. I will never forget coming over to play with you when we were young and she would set up scavenger hunts (Treasure chest hunts I believed we called them). That was such a cool thing and she spent a lot of time doing it. She always made me feel special and loved. Still to this day, she is complimentary about things, even when it has to do with one of my rookie decorated cakes, and coming from her, it is a compliment. She is also willing to teach me a thing or two, which I still have to take her up on.
Even though I know this post is about your Mom, one thing your Dad did that I will never forget is read us the Brer Rabbit books, and he would do all the voices, and made them come to life. I will never forget that either and when he gets up to do the announcements at church, I frequently wonder if he is going to launch into one of those voices:)
You have special parents Sonja! Aren't we so blessed?
Howdy Sonja,
This is Paul Young (friend from HSBC days) and what a great pic of you and your mother.
I was going to try to coerce you into posting a NEW post....but alas, I see that you have strong philosophical beliefs against coercion....apparently guilt won't work either...how about weasling...or wailing...or manipulation...or (best yet) what if (somebody...not me!) paid you? Think about it!
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