A Quiet Wood

A Quiet Wood

Monday, January 5, 2009

Just Guess...

...what my New Year's resolution might be.


Soup and Carols night...

Christmas Eve fondue...


More news of the holidays to come...once I push back from the table.



NomadatHeart said...

You're looking as beautiful as always my dear friend!! Love and miss you!! c.

Kimberly said...

You are completely out of control!!!! lol Glad to have you back around.

Kimberly said...

You're a hoot! I say...enjoy! Glad you're back.

TKB said...

I'm actually sitting here stunned. (I didn't know you had elbows...)

;D JK! Glad to have you "back on the hilltop" and all that jazz. Hope your break was especially wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't... Those are fakes that I just keep around for emergencies.

Alanna said...

I love the cute little smile you have in all 3 pics!! Man - food is just GOOD! :P

kayla said...

I'm so proud of you for "marching to the beat of a different drum". You just go ahead with that resolution to eat more this year. You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Haha, Kayla! You're a moron. =)

Charity said...

Heehee~ love those "fake elbows" Sonja... see you soon when you get together with your "fake friends"

Julie Schultz said...

I know! You resolve to blog more frequently. Clearly this was a catch up blog and you are going to be more up to date this year. Did I get it? ;-)

Cindy said...

You are too funny! And I love the little "I'm so happy with myself" smile you exhibit in all three photos! Good luck with the resolution, whether you're eating more or less :) Hopefully we can get together soon, and stay in touch a little better! So good to chat with you the other night!

Kim M. said...

Hmmm... I'm right there with ya honey. Thankfully no one took pictures of me! :-D

Brittany said...

In reference to your comment on Leanna's blog, I did not say you're mean and nasty all the time. I mean come on, everyone has their nice moments. :-)

Tara said...

I love you, Sonja! Glad you're back in blog-world.....

Julia said...

I love that every picture has the same "I love this food" face.

cheriepasbjerg said...

Yummy, don't you just love food? Especially holiday food. I could really go for some pecan pie right now, ummmm

Jodi said...

...thanks for letting me join you all for dinner the other night- I had a great time... you all are a groovie group of gals.


Dabbling Optimist said...

I love the look on your face Ms. V. Food is definitely a smile creator. :D

That Girl In Switzerland said...

You need to post more posts...

...no, seriously...

Alanna said...

So, yeah, I know I see you nearly every day, but I'd love to read from you more often - and not in the Revivalist. Not that I don't enjoy your column (I'm rather proud :) - but, you know what I mean. :)

Nathan and Laura said...

We have enjoyed reading recent updates from your blog!!!