You are too funny! And I love the little "I'm so happy with myself" smile you exhibit in all three photos! Good luck with the resolution, whether you're eating more or less :) Hopefully we can get together soon, and stay in touch a little better! So good to chat with you the other night!
So, yeah, I know I see you nearly every day, but I'd love to read from you more often - and not in the Revivalist. Not that I don't enjoy your column (I'm rather proud :) - but, you know what I mean. :)
You're looking as beautiful as always my dear friend!! Love and miss you!! c.
You are completely out of control!!!! lol Glad to have you back around.
You're a hoot! I say...enjoy! Glad you're back.
I'm actually sitting here stunned. (I didn't know you had elbows...)
;D JK! Glad to have you "back on the hilltop" and all that jazz. Hope your break was especially wonderful!
Actually, I don't... Those are fakes that I just keep around for emergencies.
I love the cute little smile you have in all 3 pics!! Man - food is just GOOD! :P
I'm so proud of you for "marching to the beat of a different drum". You just go ahead with that resolution to eat more this year. You deserve it!
Haha, Kayla! You're a moron. =)
Heehee~ love those "fake elbows" Sonja... see you soon when you get together with your "fake friends"
I know! You resolve to blog more frequently. Clearly this was a catch up blog and you are going to be more up to date this year. Did I get it? ;-)
You are too funny! And I love the little "I'm so happy with myself" smile you exhibit in all three photos! Good luck with the resolution, whether you're eating more or less :) Hopefully we can get together soon, and stay in touch a little better! So good to chat with you the other night!
Hmmm... I'm right there with ya honey. Thankfully no one took pictures of me! :-D
In reference to your comment on Leanna's blog, I did not say you're mean and nasty all the time. I mean come on, everyone has their nice moments. :-)
I love you, Sonja! Glad you're back in blog-world.....
I love that every picture has the same "I love this food" face.
Yummy, don't you just love food? Especially holiday food. I could really go for some pecan pie right now, ummmm
...thanks for letting me join you all for dinner the other night- I had a great time... you all are a groovie group of gals.
I love the look on your face Ms. V. Food is definitely a smile creator. :D
You need to post more posts..., seriously...
So, yeah, I know I see you nearly every day, but I'd love to read from you more often - and not in the Revivalist. Not that I don't enjoy your column (I'm rather proud :) - but, you know what I mean. :)
We have enjoyed reading recent updates from your blog!!!
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